Doctoral School

The main mission of HSN Lab is to manage doctoral programs.

Why is it worth to be a PhD student in HSN Lab?

PhD alumni

111 awarded PhD degrees in total


Abdulhalim Fayad, Optimization of 5G and Beyond Networks for Cost-and Energy-Efficiency

Pegah Rahimian, Deep Learning Techniques for the Analysis of Soccer Matches


Husam Rajab, Enhanced Power Management for Massive IoT

Németh Balázs, Novel Service Placement Algorithms over Softwarized Network and Cloud Infrastructure 


Lévai Támás, Embedding and Batch-Scheduling Data Flow Graphs in Software Switches 

Nagy Máté, Novel Network Optimization and Data Compression Methods 

Maiass Zaher, Traffic Measurements, Scheduling and Characterization of SDN-based Data Center Networks 

Aymen Hasan Rashid Alawadi, Towards Comprehensive and Effectual SDN Traffic Engineering Framework for Data Center Networks 

Vass Balázs, Modeling and Enumerating Geographically Correlated Failure Events in Communication Networks 


Kalmár András, Self-Optimized Clustering and Routing in the Internet of Things

Németh Krisztián, Optimal Resource Pooling over Legacy Equal-Split Load Balancing Schemes

Máté Miklós , Efficient information dissemination in distributed network architectures

Pašic Alija Instantaneous Failure Recovery and Localization in Transport Networks


Megyesi Péter , Traffic Measurements, Characterization and Emulation in Emerging Networks 

Wiandt Bernát , Optimalization of Self Organizing Computing Systems

Kőkuti András , Self-Organization in the Future Wireless and Mobile Networks


Szabó Dávid , The Network Forming Effects of Routing Policy  


Móczár Zoltán , New Methods for Efficient Data Transport in Future Networks  

Öllös Gergely , Efficient Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks 


Csernai Márton , Efficient Cabling in Data Center Networks 

Csikor Levente , New Network Optimization Methods for Fast Protection in IP Networks  

Németh Gábor Árpád , Incremental Test Generation Algorithms  

Faigl Zoltán , New Methods for the Performance and Suitability Analysis of Signaling Schemes in Distributed Mobile Network Architectures 

Gulyás Gábor , Protecting Privacy Against Structural De-anonymization Attacks in Social Networks 

Mitcsenkov Attila , Efficient Topology Design Methods for Next Generation Access Networks  


Bokor László , Advanced Schemes for Emerging Mobility Scenarios in the All-IP World

Lászka Áron , Robustness Against Strategic Attacks 

Soproni Péter , Efficient algorithms for multi-layer unicast and multicast routing in optical networks 

Pályi Pál , Analysis and design of radio access transport network congestion control and dimensioning methods  

Ary Bálint , Disquisition on pricing of telecommunication services and billing system functionalities  

Ta Vinh Thong , Automated security verification of networking protocols and query auditing algorithms for wireless sensor networks


Fazekas Péter , Performance analysis of broadband wireless networks  

Reider Norbert , Advanced radio resource management techniques in modern cellular systems 

Erős Levente , Performance testing and performance improvement methods for communicating systems 


Korn András , Defense mechanisms against network attacks and worms 

Szigeti jános , Network state advertisement and p-cycle protection for reliable connections 

Bacsárdi László , Classical and quantum based information transfer and dissemination in space communication 

Simon Csaba , Scalable quality of service solutions for IP networks and services 

Babarczi Péter, Survivable optical network design with unambiguous shared risk link group failure localization  

Marosits Tamás , Providing quality of service in packet switched networks 

Kovács Benedek , Parameter estimation of dynamical systems 

Farkas János , Resilience and Quality of Service Assurance Methods in Ethernet and Utran Networks


Enyedi Gábor , Novel algorithms for IP fast reroute 

Gyarmati László , Socio-economics of the future internet: profit-aware solutions in networking 

Szabó Sándor , The effects of user mobility on the performance of wireless networks  

Szabó Géza , Methods for efficient classification of network traffic  

Kovács Ákos , Cross-Layer Communication in Multimedia Delivery Systems 

Toka László , Game Theoretic Analysis of Distributed Systems: Design and Incentives 


Biczók Gergely , On pricing, incentives and congestion control in heterogeneous networks

Sonkoly Balázs , Fairness and stability analysis of high speed transport protocols 

Kovács László , Dynamic resource management in radio networks 

Zsigmond Szilárd , Routing in Optical Networks Based on Physical Effects 

Huszák Árpád , New methods for improving multimedia quality in IP networks  

Kovács Gábor , Selective automatic test generation for EFSM formal models with fault and string edit distance based methods 

Hegyi Péter , Protection and traffic engineering in multilayer networks 


Perényi Marcell , Resource optimization in optical networks and Peer-to-peer traffic identification in IP networks 

Seres Gergely , Measurement-Based Traffic Characterisation Techniques 

Ács Gergely , Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks 

Schaffer Péter , Resilient data aggregation and aggregator node election in sensor networks 

Martinecz Mátyás , Performance evaluation of QoS architectures for packet-switched networks 

Simon Vilmos , Mobility management algorithms for reducing signaling overhead in next generation mobile networks 

Kovács Balázs , Scalable methods to improve the communications in Peer-to-Peer networks 

Kersch Péter , Modeling, Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Overlays in Distributed Hash Tables 


Kern András , Traffic-driven optimalization of resilient QoS-aware Metro-Ethernet networks  

Vincze Zoltán , Energy efficiency enhancing techniques is wireless sensor networks 

Császár András , Reduced-state resource reservation: evaluation and mechanisms 

Mohamed Tekala , Fairness of transport and resource management protocols

Ottucsák György , Machine learning for info-communication systems 


Gulyás András , Network Calculus Based Quantification of Resource Usage in General Buffered Systems 

Heszberger Zalán , Kevés paramétert igénylő minőségbiztosítási technikák kommunikációs hálózatokban 

Szalay Máté , Novel Mobility Management Algorithms 

Palugyai sándor , Modeling and Performance Evaluation of List Structures 

Rétvári Gábor , Novel methods for IP traffic engineering 


Fancsali Alpár , Network management algorithms for QoS based communication 

Pap Zoltán , Detection, diagnosis and correction of faults in telecommunication software development based on formal methods  

Maliosz Markosz , Optimization methods for virtual private network design 

Éltető Tamás , Queueing problems for IP networks  


Gefferth András , Characterisation of Self-Similar Traffic in Data Networks 

Székely Sándor , Performance Evaluation, Modelling and Optimisation of Call Processing in Broadband Networks 

Harmatos János , Methods for planning of next generation mobile and data networks 

Győri Sándor , Multiple Access Channels 

Orincsay Dániel , Design and performance analysis of traffic engineering algorithms in telecommunication networks  

Székely Balázs , Strong approximation of stochastic processes using random walks 

Gódor István , Methods for planning of access networks 

Tapolcai János , Routing algorithms in survivable telecommunication networks 

Trinh Anh Tuan , A performance analysis of some traffic control techniques in TCPIP networks 

Józsa Balázs , Traffc Engineering Algorithms for MPLS Networks  

Miklós György , Design and analysis of new control mechanisms to support data traffic in wireless packet networks 


Veres András , Modeling TCP dynamics and engineering service differentiation in TCP/IP networks 

Fehér Gábor , Resource control in IP networks 

Barta Péter , Végpontok közötti teljesitmény korlátok és hivásengedélyezés általánosított kiszolgáló megosztási hálózatokban 

Rácz Sándor , Távközlő rendszerek numerikus elemzése Markov hozam modellek alkalmazásával 

Malomsoky Szabolcs , Resource Management Problems in Packet Switched Networks

Luong Dinh Dung , Measurement and Conqestion Control on IP based Networks 


Albrecht Sándor , Application of the Momentary Fourier Transform to Radar Processing

Dang Dinh Trang , Új eredmények a multifraktális forgalom analízisében és modellezésében

Szviatovszki Balázs , Design and Performance Analysis of Routing Algorithms in Data Networks 

Szabó István , Lightweight control techniques for supporting voice communication over packet switched networks 

Csöndes Tibor , Conformance test suite optimization 


Szabó Róbert , Admission and flow control in generalized processor sharing schedulers 

Szentesi Áron , Útvonalválasztás és topológia optimalizálása ATM hálózatokban 

Laborczi Péter , Configuration of fault tolerant infocommunication networks 


Rácz András, Minőségi szolgáltatások csomagkapcsolt hálózatokban

Cselényi István, Multimédia szolgáltatások forgalmának analízise, modellezése és menedzsmentje 

Vidács AttilaHálózati forgalom fraktális jellemzése a paraméterbecsléstől az alkalmazásig


Antal Csaba, DTM gyors áramkörkapcsolási hálózati technológia teljesítmény vizsgálata 

Fodor Gábor, Integrált szolgáltatású hálózatok néhány erőforrásfoglalási technikájának hívásszintű modellezése és teljesítőképességi elemzése

Valkó András, Celluláris mobil adathálózatok tervezése és elemzése 

Cinkler Tibor, Modellek és algoritmusok átviteli hálózatok optimális kialakításához 


Bíró József, Optimalizáló neurális hálózatok és alkalmazásaik ATM hálózatok erőforrás menedzselésére 


Molnár Sándor, ATM hálózatok szolgáltatásminőségi és teljesítmény vizsgálata